Our aim is to work co-productively with the Local Authority to share the parent carer voice. Please find below some of the current workstreams Leeds Parent Carer Forum are involved with at a strategic level, along with a brief description of what they do and the latest updates we have from our work with them.
Please click on a category below to read more.
The purpose of the SEND employment forum is to develop a strategic approach and action plan aimed at improving paid employment outcomes for young people with SEND by bringing together all key stakeholders who can develop and deliver pathways to sustainable employment and promote collaborative working.
At the most recent meeting on 18 September 2024 there was representation from education, employment, training and third sector.
There were two presentations at the beginning of the meeting, one gave an update on the SEND Next Choices Event and the other introduced Leeds City Council’s inclusive recruitment pack.
During the meeting members discussed the five themed areas, and action plans will be developed to ensure partnership work in these areas:
- How do we get more employers on board
- How do we improve knowledge and skills of careers practitioners in the city and improve consistency for SEND transitions?
- How do we improve inclusive recruitment practices across the city?
- How do we raise the profile and presence of SEND young people in the city?
- What can we do to support SEND young people who have exhausted their EHCP and still have no job?
The Leeds area SEND Partnership Board includes partners across education, health, and social care services, as well as representatives for children and young people and their families. The Board holds services to account for delivering the actions in the SEND and Inclusion Strategy. It
sets out ‘indicators’ of success for this strategy, covering improved health, wellbeing and participation outcomes for children and young people in Leeds.