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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Transitions survey

Do you think there is a need for support for transitions? Refresh Carers are gathering information.

Personal Budgets Survey

The Leeds Children and Families Joint Commissioning Board are looking into whether they can simplify the processes and increase the transparency of personal budgets for children and young people. Click here to read more about the survey.

Consultation to permanently expand Broomfield South SILC

Consultation on proposals to permanently expand Broomfield South SILC and establish a permanent satellite site for post-16 learners at Arlington Business Centre

Update from Gary Saul re FFI and EHCPs

On Wednesday, the PCF steering group met with Gary Saul (Head of Learning and Inclusion) and Beverley Williams. (New SENSAP Lead)

Leeds SENDIASS Summer Term 2 Diary Dates:

SENDIASS dates for the Summer term are now out.

Inclusive Cricket Lessons

North Leeds cricket club have recently started Super 1s disability cricket initiative in partnership with the Yorkshire Cricket Board.

Parent-Carer Representative Training!

Please get in touch if you would like to become a Parent-Carer Representative! We are offering training for everyone who would like to be involved,

Sleep Tight Workshop

The next SEN Sleep course has now gone live!

Raising awareness of disabilities – A project by young people by Child Friendly Leeds

Raising awareness of disabilities – A project by young people by Child Friendly Leeds

You are invited to see the exhibition to view, hear and feel the emotions and understand more about hidden disabilities and how we as a city can make a difference. The artwork by young people, spoken word as well as the campaign materials will be on display in a unit in the Merrion Centre (opposite the Works) until Friday 24th May 2024.

SEND Next Choices Event

SEND Next Choices – getting ready for adult life is going to be on Tuesday 25 June 2024 at Leeds First Direct Arena.

Contact Us

Tel: 07423436813
via our online form
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