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Personal Budgets Survey

The Leeds Children and Families Joint Commissioning Board are looking into whether they can simplify the processes and increase the transparency of personal budgets for children and young people. A personal budget is an amount of money identified by the local authority or the NHS to help support a child or young person and their family to achieve the outcomes stated in their assessment of needs. The aim of personal budgets is to give families more choice in how children and young people are supported and directly involved in organising that support. These personal budgets can also be known as direct payments, continuing health care budgets and education personal budgets. The money families receive can be sent direct to their nominated bank account for this purpose, or an intermediary such as Leeds Centre for Independent Living (Leeds CIL) that pays for the services received. 

They are seeking the views of those families that are in receipt of a personal budget.  The smart survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.  The link to the survey is: 

QR code as attached.   

The survey ends 9am Friday 12th July 2024.Thank you for taking time to complete this.
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