Following initial consultation on proposals to expand Broomfield South SILC by 100 places, as part of a school rebuild and the establishment of a permanent satellite site for post-16 provision , at its meeting on 18th September 2024, Leeds City Council’s Executive Board approved the recommendation to publish a Statutory Notice in relation to the proposals.
A Statutory Notice has been published in the Yorkshire Evening Post today. This is a prescribed, legal process as set out in the Department for Education’s statutory guidance which will mark the start of a 4 week formal consultation period, also known as a ‘representation period’.
The formal consultation period starts today and will run for 4 weeks until 4pm on 30th October 2024. During this period anyone can comment on or object to the proposals.
Details of the proposal and the Statutory Notice are available at
If anyone wishes to comment on or object to the proposal they can do this by emailing or by writing to the Assets and Access Team, Leeds City Council, PO Box 837, Leeds, LS1 9PZ.
Comments or objections should reach the Assets and Access Team by 4pm on 30 October 2024 in order to be counted.